Life via Shelby

February 27, 2010

Whether the Weather is Bad

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shelby @ 12:58 PM

Well, the weather is far from beautiful today. I wanted to try a new restaurant for brunch, go to the office and work for a while and then go to the gym. Maybe pick up some new shoes at the mall.

Everyone in this fine city also had chorse, thus, the roads were horrific. I did manage to find the new restaurant (check out my Yelp later, several reviews, including lunch, will be written soon).

Rather than brave another 1 hour drive to the office, I instead decided to come to my favourite coffee restaurant and have an after lunch tea. The atmosphere is good, internet is free and they’re playing some Tegan and Sara. I see no reason that I can’t get some posts, reviews and work done here.

Take THAT weather.

February 26, 2010

Update Frequency

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shelby @ 7:12 PM

I realize I seem to be posting only near the weekends, meaning that those of you who keep coming back are doing so with little new information to read about.  I’ll try to get to at least 1 post per day, knowing this is a big commitment on my part.  In looking back at some posts and Yelp reviews, I am finding that I enjoy writing long articles when possible, possibly not necessary for a blog like this. 

I still have some stuff in the works that are very long, including an upcoming story about my roommate, Hussein.  Sounds a little formal, but he’s an interesting person to have met, and I think you’ll enjoy his story!

Keep coming, and I’ll try to keep posting!

Snow Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shelby @ 7:08 PM

OK not really, but today it did snow more than it has since I’ve been here.  Well, last night to be exact.  I had to wear my boots and tuck in my pants to get to my car.  1 hour drive into work.  New experience, definitely.  It’s supposed to come down all weekend, as well.  Hopefully the city will do a better job of plowing, I have plans!

What’s the weather like where you are?

Brain Experiment

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shelby @ 7:02 PM

A large portion of your brain function is based on habit.  Let that sink in for just a moment.  Sure, you’re aware that you are automatically breathing, your eyes twitch to blink on their own and you swallow regularly as part of natural physical mechanism.  Nothing new here.

But the daily tasks you undertake are equally as habitual.  Think about brushing your teeth.  I’ll bet you that there is a standard pattern you follow whenever you go to brush your teeth, and you do it without even considering it.  Either molars first, or you hit the front to begin.  Either way, it probably happens the same way each and every time. 

Isn’t it interesting that so much of what we do in a single day is based on the fact we’ve just done it that way for a long, long time? 

Try this (if you can think to do so).  When you go to put your shoes on, start with the OPPOSITE foot that you usually save for second.  For me, that would be my left foot.  Put your sock on first, and consider how it feels.  Then when the shoes come, do the same.  Just sit for a moment and contemplate.

I assure you that you’ll notice a ton more that you do without actually thinking…why?

February 21, 2010

Relaxing Sunday Night

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shelby @ 7:49 PM

Soft candlelight, a glass of whiskey and soon, Ethiopan food and live music. I’ll sleep like a baby tonight.


Twitter Feed

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shelby @ 6:31 PM

Make sure you pay attention to the Twitter feed on the right side of this blog!  Usually when I am out, I put out mini-posts about what I am doing.  I’ve also joined Yelp, a community-review site that allows users to post reviews and comments on establishments in their cities.  Whenever I’m at a new place (or one that has become familiar) I’ll try to ‘check in’ there, so that you can read about it.  I’ll also post reviews for those places whenever it becomes appropriate.  These will show up in the feed to the right, so pay attention!!

Month the First

Filed under: Life in Canada — Shelby @ 1:44 PM

Wednesday, February 18th, Marked my fourth week in Toronto.  One month in a new city.  One month away from Dallas.  One month  to begin what will be at minimum a three-year stay.

I read back on my previous posts and noticed that I have recorded nothing extraordinarily notable.   I haven’t told any stories of a nice sight-seeing trip into the city, no exciting tales of a night of misadventure throughout the seedier districts.  None of these things have happened.  It seems that in my first four weeks, those things that have marked my stay have been the challenges I’ve faced.

For that, I am thankful.  I haven’t posted each of those challenges.  I’ve mentioned briefly my car, credit and insurance issues.  But I haven’t gone into the fact that I’ve been robbed of belongings twice in two different places, the fact that insurance rates rose by approximately 1500/year because of one ticket in the last two years that I didn’t realize was on my record.  But I’m thankful for these trials, because the fact is they have served some purpose.

First, they’ve served to show me that problems can be overcome.  I don’t doubt my ability to problem solve out of issues, but I do find it refreshing each time I do.  Second, I’ve learned some hard lessons from each of them.  Another post, another day I might go over them, but needless to say I plan on reducing my propensity to trusting people for no good reason.   Finally, although I’d have preferred a smoother transition into Toronto life, I can’t discount the fact that each problem has occupied some amount of time, and thus kept me from falling into a completely boring cycle of work, sleep, work, sleep. 

Integration into Toronto life still continues.  I begin apartment shopping on Monday, with the goal of finding something by April 1.  I plan on flying to Dallas in March to retrieve my belongings for such a transition (and for a certain wedding).  Last week I began working out regularly again, an excellent and stress relieving activity, that also provides some normalization to my regular schedule.  I have a few other goals – professional and social.  As I get used to living here, I plan on finding some sort of activities that will promote socialization and prevent boredom in the evenings and the weekends. 

If you feel that my first month has been relatively boring/unadventurous, rest assured that you are correct.   I think that’s been for the best.  I can tell that home-sickness will begin soon, but I think I’ll be able to get through it reasonably well.  I’ll try to find some bits of interest for you readers – just be patient with me!

February 20, 2010

Some Photos

Filed under: Life in Canada — Shelby @ 8:21 PM

Just wanted to provide you with some photos and commentary I’ve taken over the last few weeks.  None of them are extraordinarily interesting, but I hope you’ll find them as enjoyable as I did!

This one shows a little of the protective and ‘bleeding heart’ mentality that Toronto and Canada in general offer.  I wouldn’t expect this from most of those in PETA.  I found this sign on the bus to a bar about a week ago.  As a pseudo vegetarian and someone who would prefer not to kill animals if it can be helped, I still found this somewhat amusing.  We have an organization dedicated to preventing birds from flying into buildings. for more!

Walking down the street on Sunday, I liked the way that the CN Tower looked. 

Brilliant city planning, placing a park directly under large power lines.  I suppose when the government pays your healthcare, city planning doesn’t have to worry so much about the medical damages that might occur later?

This is the Eaton Centre, a mall in Downtown Toronto and one of 3 places open on ‘Family Day.’  I went to purchase a new jacket and thought you should see the size of it. 

At the Eaton Centre, they had brought in one of the torches carried for the Olympics.  At this time, Canadians still had hope that they would own these Olympics!


Filed under: Uncategorized — Shelby @ 12:10 PM

Short post. I’m on a streetcar going to get my haircut, after which I’ll grab a late lunch and head home. I have a couple of updates saved as drafts, including my 4 weeks in review and some photos.

Check back later!!

February 13, 2010

Dear Diary

Filed under: Uncategorized — Shelby @ 5:54 PM

Not much event the last couple of days.  Yesterday, a news article ran in the local newspaper about pizza restaurants, specifically, the best delivery around.  As it happens, the winner of the Best Pizza award is within a mile of where I live.  So I met a friend, Andrew, and had a bit of pie.

Beautiful, isn’t it?  The crust was perfect – both thin, flaky, but present.  It had an excellent rich flavor, with olive oil upon it.  The pie was a simple tomato sauce (not too much, but perfectly flavoured), mozzerella, sun dried tomatoes, onion, capers and pine nuts.  Amazing!

But add to that two glasses of wine and a whiskey, I was tuckered out.  I came home and went to bed not too long after.  This allowed me to wake up plenty early today.  I awoke at 7:30AM, worked on some stuff on my computer to get my phone working correctly, watched an episode of Good Eats, and decided to get some chores done.  I went to the large mall near work, in Mississauga, and did just that.  I bought a new suit (needed for work), some nice clothes for casual wear and joined a gym.  I also, at the constant request of my Mother and friend Maggie, had my eyebrows waxed.  Not too pleasant of an experience, but worth the inexpensive service.  A very productive, albeit far too expensive, Saturday.

In Ontario, to coincide with President’s Day in the US, we have what is called ‘Family Day.’  I will tonight be going out with some friends to have a nice evening on the town, but I want to say to anyone who is reading, I can’t say that I will truly appreciate Family Day without my Family around to hang out with.  I hope you’re all having a pleasant weekend (and staying warm – the weather down there is wild!).  We’ll talk soon!

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